Start Your Own Podcast: 21 Amazing Things To Talk About

Start Your Own Podcast
Start Your Own Podcast

Curious about starting your own podcast? Start Your Own Podcast.

You’ve come to the right place.

Picking the right podcast topic is one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your new show.

When you’re passionate and curious about what you’re writing about, you’re more likely to create content that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

We’ve put together a list of some of the most unique podcast topic ideas we’ve come across, so you can find the one that’s right for you!

21 Topics To Cover When You Start Your Own Podcast

how do you start your own podcast

If you’re having trouble coming up with a podcast idea, take a look at this list to get your creative juices flowing:

1. Advice Of The Day

Provide listeners with an inspiring, motivating, or life-changing piece of advice every day with a brief podcast.

Ask them if they’ve used this advice in their lives and how it worked for them. Ask them to write in their own advice to increase engagement with your podcast.

2. Better Living

The term “alternative lifestyle” or better living can refer to many different things.

For example, your podcast could be about a minimalist lifestyle, living a nomadic lifestyle, or anything else that is different from the typical lifestyle.

You can discuss your own lifestyle or interview people about their alternative lifestyle.

3. Documentary

There are many interviews in documentary-style podcasts, and some may even take place on location. It’s a lot like a documentary but with only audio.

4. Drama

Audio dramas are one of the most popular genres for podcasts, and they can be as thrilling as a TV show. People love a good story, and audio dramas can be serialized, giving you a new episode every week.

5. Education/Coaching

Coaching podcasts are similar to daytime talk shows but with a deeper meaning. Choose a niche, such as digital marketing or personal growth, and share your expertise and top coaching tips.

To create a great coaching podcast, ask your listeners to send in their questions or issues so you can answer them on the show.

6. Event Planning

Event planning is one of the largest industries in the world, so if you include it in your podcast, you’re sure to attract listeners.

For example, you could discuss how to plan specific events or provide insights on how live events have changed since the coronavirus pandemic.

7. How-To

Do you have knowledge or skills that you’d like to share with others? Develop a tutorial podcast where you teach your audience how to use an application, finish a task, or develop a skill.

8. Kid-Specific

Kids also listen to podcasts. You can use it as an educational tool to help them with their schoolwork or as an entertainment tool to help them unwind.

If you create a children’s podcast, make sure it’s targeted at a particular age group.

For example, a nine-year-old won’t enjoy the same type of content as a fourteen-year-old.

9. Local

Do you have a great town or area that you’d like more people to hear about?

Create a podcast about everything that’s going on in your town, the news that’s breaking, and the unique things that make your town unique.

Local listeners would love to hear about what is going on in their town, while non-locals might be interested in learning about a new place.

10. Meditation Guide

The ideal medium for guided meditation is podcasts. Assist your audience in unwinding and go over meditations for various subjects or feelings, like stress, anger, sadness, thankfulness, etc.

11. Paranormal

People enjoy investigating the strange, eerie, or mysterious. Create a podcast about the paranormal to explore these mysteries, choosing a new one for every episode.

12. Personal Finance

Everyone has financial management issues at some point, which is why personal finance is a popular podcast topic.

Covering personal finance for single parents, American expats living overseas, or any other niche audience will help your show become more focused.

13. Pets

Who doesn’t adore animals?

Create a podcast offering suggestions and guidance on animal care. You can talk about more unusual pets like lizards, rats, birds, or even tarantulas!

You can also cover more common pets like cats and dogs!

14. Q&A

Before the show, ask your listeners to send you questions in writing, and then respond to them in a podcast.

To further promote your show, you can occasionally even broadcast your Q&A live.

Try posing one thoughtful question and providing an answer for each episode if you want to sustain this format over time.

15. Reviews

Making a review podcast is simple and popular. A new book, movie, or album of your choice can be reviewed every week if you so choose.

Podcasts are a great format for book clubs as well, where you and one or more guests can discuss the book together.

16. Stand-Up Comedy

Are you happy to make people laugh?

Create comedic routines and showcase them on your podcast in a similar manner to a stand-up comedian.

A series of comedic sketches would also be a good idea.

17. Tech

Technology is a broad area of study that includes a variety of podcast formats.

A podcast on the newest technological trends, a weekly summary of newly released products, how-to guides for particular equipment, interviews with tech influencers, and much more could be produced.

18. Time-Based

Time-specific podcasts, such as a weekly Monday motivation podcast or a daily morning news brief, are released at particular times of the day or week.

Setting a deadline for your theme will help you stay on track, but you’ll also need to come up with a topic for your podcast.

19. Top 10

Anyone can’t resist a good top 10 list, which is why this format is so widely used in media of all kinds.

You could focus only on the top 10 lists in your podcast, covering entirely different subjects every week, or you could stick to a general topic area.

20. Travel

With every episode, take the listeners on a trip to a new place by discussing your personal travel experiences or by speaking with actual travelers.

A good podcast can also offer advice and tricks related to traveling. You have the option of covering the entire world or just a specific nation or area.

21. True Crime Incidents

Podcasts about true crimes dissect and analyze real-life crimes and incidents in great detail. Audiences enjoy captivating criminal tales, particularly when they are verifiable.

Start Your Own Podcast With Some Other Interesting Topics

The following are some of the other topics you may want to consider:

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Sports
  • ASMR
  • Under 10 or 5 Minutes
  • Games
  • 3D Printing
  • Celebrity Interviews
  • DIY
  • Psychology
  • Astrology
  • Beauty & Fashion
  • Nutrition
  • Podcasting
  • Book Recommendations
  • Short Stories
  • Weather & Climate
  • Urban Farming
  • Self-Help
  • Branding
  • Writing
  • Retirement

And more…

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Final Thoughts

Launching a new podcast is an exciting and difficult task. Never give up coming up with ideas—there are tons of them out there! Think about it, look into it, and choose a podcast topic that interests you. If you possess that spark, coming up with new episodes will come naturally to you.

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